About the Journal
Enhancing Literacy Instruction (ELI) is a peer-reviewed journal funded by the Center for the Advancement of Reading and Literacy Instruction (CARLI) through the Center of Excellence grant from the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education awarded to the Education Departments at Presbyterian College and Lander University.
We aim to publish research conducted by researchers at all levels of education and professional rank, including undergraduate and graduate students. All submissions are peer-reviewed by literacy experts with the aim of producing high-quality manuscripts that will contribute to enhancing literacy instruction.
We welcome manuscripts that address all aspects of literacy, including traditional literacy skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as contemporary forms of literacy such as engaging with a variety of texts and modalities, and accessing, evaluating, and creating information. It is our belief that research on any topic related to literacy has the potential to enhance literacy instruction!
The College of Education at Lander University partnered with the Department of Education at Presbyterian College to develop the Center of Excellence for the Advancement of Reading and Literacy Instruction (CARLI) based on the Science of Reading.
CARLI deploys preservice teachers as targeted intensive tutors in PK-3 classrooms and shares resources from these efforts via a web portal that can be accessed by other Education Preparation Providers (EPPs) in the state of South Carolina.
Enhancing Literacy Instruction (ELI) supports CARLI’s goal of enhancing understanding of effective instructional practices in reading and literacy.